Tyler Johnson’s Dad Pulls Out Photo Album on Twitter for Son’s 21st Birthday

Photos: @blackboyty8 - Twitter

Photos: @blackboyty8 - Twitter

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Good morning Minnesota sports FAM! Being a parent is an unreal experience. It’s mostly frustrating while you’re in it, especially early when they need all of your attention, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. You don’t get unconditional love from anyone or anything like you get from your kids.

Today is a big moment for one of our own. Tyler Johnson turns 21 today. Tyler stayed home to play football at the University of Minnesota when most other in-state athletes of his caliber weren’t. Among a few other veterans that still sprinkle the Gopher football team, he fought through all of the early turmoil inside the program and is coming out of the other side as a possible early round NFL draft pick for next year.

But the NFL isn’t what is on his dad’s mind this morning. I’m really glad Tyler’s dad, Tyrone, followed me on Twitter awhile back because had we not followed each other back then, who knows if or when I would have seen his amazing proud-dad photo album he put on Twitter this morning…

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I’m pretty sure that Twitter is blocking the best picture out of this bunch with little Tyler posing as a QB at the brand new TCF Bank Stadium with his shirt off.

Tyron’s replies to some of my tweets this morning were magic too. I just thought this was a great way to start a Sunday morning. I’m hoping to ask Tyler about this tomorrow, when we get a chance to talk to him, as a prelude to Thursday’s Opener vs SDSU at TCF Bank Stadium.

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Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan

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