Twins ‘A’ Affiliate Changes Nickname to “Mighty Mussels”

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I don’t know how closely you pay attention to the Minnesota Twins’ minor leagues, but since 1993, the Fort Myers Miracle has been the their single-a affiliate. It was a rocky history for the Miracle Baseball club before that so I’m sure they have appreciated the 15+ years of stability. But clearly, someone thought they needed a chnage.

It makes sense. You know, sometimes you just need an update. Not just to the mascot or a little updating of your logo… nah… a full fucking revamp. So, if you are going to completely makeover your team’s nickname and mascot… where do you look? You look locally, of course. We’ve seen some logo changes here in Minnesota recently… but we haven’t seen a team change their entire nickname in a long time. Hockey fans are still bitter about it…

What’s more local and well-known to Fort Myers Florida, than a mussel, inside of a clam or shell?

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And you can’t just say “Fort Myers Muscles”… No, that’s fucking boring. The “Mighty Mussels”. That’s where it’s at.

Your new Minnesota Twins single-A Fort Myers affiliate is named the “Mighty Mussels”. Get your merch HERE. It’s flying off the shelves. 

“Mussel Up”

Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan

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