Michael Russo May Not Be Leaving Minnesota After All…

So yesterday we paid our respects to one of the best in the writing game. Michael Russo dropped this on us yesterday and we stated our goodbye in Tuesday’s MSF Daily.

Many Minnesota hockey fans have relied on Michael Russo for their Wild coverage over the last 12 years. So a lot of people, though happy for Russo’s next venture, were very sad to see him go.

Michael Russo is not just a great writer. He is also a great person. We don’t know him yet personally but he proved it with what he did this morning. He reached out to over 150 Tweeters, who reached out to him about leaving the StarTribune, to thank them for their support’ according to Chris Long.

Well, we were one of those Twitter accounts that Russo reached out to. I don’t know what Russo said to the others that he reached out to, via Twitter direct message, but he mentioned something to us that raised our eye brows immediately… Russo may be done with the StarTribune. He doesn’t seem to be done with Minnesota, or the Wild, from what he told us:

Yesterday, on KFAN, Lavelle Neal III seemed to give away Russo’s plans now that he is leaving the StarTribune. He let it slip that Russo is headed to The Athletic which is an up-and-coming subscription-based sports website that has plans to throw things back to the old-school.

Russo seemed to confirm his plans to go to The Athletic with us. Don’t go buy your subscription yet. It looks like Russo will have discounts available.

Currently, The Athletic doesn’t have a MN hub. However, from what Russo hinted to us, it appears they may have one soon. Nonetheless, it looks like we will still be seeing plenty of Michael Russo around these parts. And we are happy about that here at Minnesota Sports Fan.

Eric Strack
Minnesota Sports Fan @RealMNSportsFan

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