PJ Fleck Awards Scholarship via Navy SEAL Parachuter Thursday Night

As media outlets and fans who follow college football, we are always looking for the kids that are getting scholarships straight out of high school. The more stars the better.
But, that’s not the reality for a lot of kids who play high-level college football. Teams are full of kids who are paying to go to school, thus technically paying to play football there, as well. However, when walk-on’s bust out and exceed their past expectations, they will often get a scholarship later in their career. The trend recently, on presenting the scholarship to the player, is pretty damn cool. Since they didn’t get the celebration that some kids did, when they committed to a college from high school, coaches have tried to give them some extra love when they do eventually receive the remaining (well-deserved) free-ride.
Naturally, we’ve seen some pretty cool scholarship handouts since PJ Fleck arrived on the U of M Campus. But, for Bailey Schoenfelder, PJ may have topped everyone, including himself…
Congrats to @schoenyb on earning this scholarship!! ELITE “HOW” and leadership go a long way in our Culture!! We’re lucky to have you on this team, Bailey!! I’m proud of ya & I love ya!! Thanks to all the service people who helped make this a special moment!! #RTB #HYPRR #SkiUMah pic.twitter.com/K3XamugIU1
— P.J. Fleck (@Coach_Fleck) August 10, 2018
Schoenfelder is a Redshirt Sophomore Linebacker who got his run last season with the special teams crew. It’ll be interesting to see where things go for him from here. There are 2 Seniors and 2 Juniors on the team and that’s not even counting Carter Coughlin, who is technically on the D-Line. The team also houses 7 redshirt or true Freshman.
According to the Gopher Football website: Bailey tried to enlist in some of the military forces for our great country but was unfortunately turned down due to a minor hearing condition that was caused from working with machinery in his hometown:
The redshirt sophomore tried to enlist, but was turned away due to a minor hearing issue that was a result of working with machinery and around other loud noises growing up in Huron, which is about a 13,000-person town five hours west of the Twin Cities.
Most of us just hope to have half the testis size Schoenfelder has, when we may need it. To get turned down for military duty and then repeatedly try to get into others and re-test is quite the testament to that. What an ELITE young man. And, we are honored to have a spirit like that on our football team.
We’ll be following and rooting for you, Bailey.
Congrats to @schoenyb on earning a scholarship!! Heart work and determination!! Proud of ya!! #RTB #HYPRR #SkiUMah pic.twitter.com/3BezumiXfX
— P.J. Fleck (@Coach_Fleck) August 10, 2018
Eric Strack
Minnesota Sports Fan @RealMNSportsFan
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