Clearly Sick of Being on the Hot Seat, Mike Zimmer Vents to Deion Sanders After Win Over Saints



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The call for Mike Zimmer’s job at the end of the regular season was a bit mind boggling to some, including myself… we’re talking about a guy who heads one of the most respected franchises in the National Football League. Not only that, but his players love him, respect him, and believe in him.

I’m not going to get into his production as a coach because Mike Zimmer himself has all the facts for you there…

After the victory in New Orleans earlier today, Mike Zimmer was on NFL Network talking to his old friend, Deion Sanders, when Primetime asked Zimmer if the whispers surrounding his job ever bothered him.

If you ask Mike Zimmer an honest question, you’re probably going to get an honest answer… and tonight was no different.

(Question/comments at 2:43 mark)

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Well, luckily for Zim and all of us who defend him, this victory means we don’t have to worry about this chatter anymore. Not only will Zimmer not get fired at the end of this season, but he’s guaranteed a nice extension and raise.

Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan

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