Randy Moss Pretty Much a Sure Thing for HOF This Year

Former Viking, Randy Moss, was named one of twenty-seven semifinalists for the 2018 Pro Football Hall of Fame. He is one of just six semifinalists that are in their first year of HOF eligibility. Included in those half a dozen legends is another former Viking. Steve Hutchinson, the perennial All-Pro Guard, is amongst those considered for Canton.
Feel Free to Pull the 84 Jerseys before continuing. Get comfortable.
What are the odds Moss is in the 2018 HOF Class?
The list of twenty-seven will be cut down to fifteen in January. NFL.com did us all a favor and ranked the remaining nominees. Randy Moss TOPPED their list. That’s right. In Gil Brandt’s article, The Freak is at number one. BEAUTIFUL. To double down on the excitement, their number two ranked player is Steve Hutchinson. Naturally, he anticipates both to be enshrined. The article predicts that Tony Boselli, John Lynch, and Terrell Owens will join the two former Vikings to make up the 2018 class.
Let’s go! I’m biased as all hell on this topic. However, Mr. Brandt isn’t. He has Moss at the top and rightfully so. This man changed the game of Football. Randy Moss is the most talented WR ever. His name is a verb.
Jerry Rice is the all-time GOAT at the position. He played at to high of a level, for to long not to give him the title. HOWEVER (Stephen A. Smith voice), at their peaks, give me 84. The good ole boy from Rand, West Virginia owns the single season TD record for WRs. The twenty-two touchdowns was accomplished while playing with Tom Brady in 2007.
On top of that record, check out what he did in Minnesota:
Those numbers are so eye-popping.
It’s surprising to some people that Terrell Owens is yet to own a Gold Jacket. Both Terrell and I are among those people. With him making a fuss over the matter previously, it appears it will play out the opposite for our guy. One year of eligibility and done. Some Derek Jeter in 2020 type stuff. BUILD A STATUE, ZIGI!
Randy Moss can catch a damn fish one handed yet these dudes can’t catch a football with two hands and sticky gloves https://t.co/s8ir7KrJqm
— Football Life (@TheFBLifee) November 23, 2016
Hall of Fame speeches are MY FAVORITE. I live for that shit. The passion of the athletes gets to me. To prepare for Randy and Steve’s upcoming time in the spotlight, I’m proud to present highlights of the two greatest Gold Jacket speeches of all time.
*PSA: It’s a little lengthy, but WELL worth it. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Johnny Minnesota @mnsportsnstuff
Minnesota Sports Fan MinnesotaSportsFan.com
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