Glen Taylor Expects Better Coaching from Chris Finch but Won’t Tell Him to His Face

What is next for the Minnesota Timberwolves, after yet another disappointing season under the ownership of Glen Taylor? With the NBA Playoffs tapering down, and the offseason nearly upon us, we will begin to find out sooner, rather than later.
That’s why, Darren “Doogie” Wolfson (SKOR North, KSTP), sat down with the Wolves’ majority owner recently to ask him a few questions on what changes fans be expect this summer. The full interview between Doogie and Taylor hasn’t been released yet, but will be later today.
Glen Taylor wants more from Chris Finch… but won’t tell him that to his face.
Doogie promises a few interesting tidbits out of said conversation, but one topic of discussion he previewed earlier Thursday, during his bi-weekly appearance on “Minnesota Sports w/Mackey & Judd” , centered around Chris Finch and immediately caught my ear, along with that of the show’s co-host, Phil Mackey.
Apparently, Glen told Doogie during their sit down that Chris Finch “needs to be better” next season. Given the team fell short of expectations last year, some of which were set high due to a belief in Finch, this is by no means “news”. What’s weird, is that Taylor openly admits he hasn’t actually communicated his “be better” expectations to Chris Finch, even though the two just talked extensively last week.
WOLFSON: “[Glen Taylor] said [to me], ‘hey, I had a nice chat with Chris Finch on Wednesday and you know we talked about a lot of stuff’. He goes, ‘I didn’t tell [Finch] this but I’ll tell you this, he needs to be better’.”
MACKEY: “Wait, Glen said, ‘I didn’t tell Chris he needs to be better but I’ll tell you this’?”
MACKEY: “Okay, I know this is just a small snippet in a conversation and I wasn’t on the phone when you’re having this conversation that’s my problem with Glenn Taylor right there in a nutshell dude communicate it with the if you think the coach isn’t good enough create a culture where you hold him accountable for not being good.”
Darren Wolfson and Phil Mackey – MN Sports w/Mackey & Judd (SKOR North)
If you are wondering why the Minnesota Timberwolves have been a disgrace for so long, look no further than the quotes above. Glen Taylor may be a great business man. His self-made fortune proves as much. But he is a terrible NBA owner. Hopefully, Marc Lore and Alex Rodriguez aren’t taking very good notes on how Glen operates the organization.
Taylor is, by all accounts, a ruthless business man who would turn on his best friends and/or family members if it meant a better outcome for him. If that is the case, then why is he afraid to tell Chris Finch something he already knows?
Taylor isn’t going anywhere yet and neither is KAT
Glen also informed Doogie that minority owners, Alex Rodriguez and Marc Lore, have pushed back their next payment, which was supposed to take place in January 2024, to March 2024. That means Taylor will be the majority owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves for at least one more season.
He also confirmed a report from last week that Tim Connelly is not leaving for the Washington Wizards job this offseason and that he wants to run things back with Karl-Anthony Towns and Rudy Gobert on roster.
“[Taylor] also said he is against trading Karl-Anthony Towns. He is well aware of all the trade rumors but, for him, he wants to run this thing back with Rudy and KAT. So, he is not inclined to blow things up.”
Darren Wolfson and Phil Mackey – MN Sports w/Mackey & Judd (SKOR North)
Eric Strack | Minnesota Sports Fan
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